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The Great Salmon Tour is a project that will document how we as humans lose our heritage as we lose biodiversity in the natural world around us. We've chosen the salmon group of fishes to document how the loss of one resource affects the diversity of our planet and negatively impacts our common cultural heritage. The iconic salmon is intimately entwined spiritually, culturally and economically with people and communities around the world. However, there are more than 200 species of salmonids, all native to the northern hemisphere and all revered by historic and/or contemporary cultures. And although salmon occupies a deeply spiritual place in our hearts, little is known about the diversity within this family of fish and its relationship to our cultural heritage. We hope you will support the Great Salmon Tour to change this by helping us do the research needed to bring a deeper awareness of the noble salmon fishes - and their loss - to the global community.



I enjoy talking abut the diversity of salmon fish, the cultures and people connected to these fish, and about my travels to document the different salmon and trout. I have previously given talks at Cafe Scientifique, WVU Student Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Georgetown University, and George Washington University. Please feel free to contact me if you like me to come and give a presentation, guest lecture, or talk at your organization or institution.

Join the Great Salmon Tour at the beertie, Arlington, VA

I join the local anglers as they tie flies and have a pint at the Whitlows in Arlington. Follow me on Twitter @Greatsalmontour to find out when I will be at the beertie next time.


Fly Fishing Consultant Podcast

I went to the beertie in Arlington, VA, and got inteviewed for the Fly Fishing Consultant Podcast with Rob Snowhite. Tune in and listen >>>

Izilwane Feature:

The Great Salmon Tour Project

My first job after moving to the United States from Norway was to work on recovery projects focused on salmon populations in California for the National Marine Fisheries Service. One day, my coworker asked me about Hucho hucho in Europe. Although I come from Europe, I drew a blank. 

“The large river salmon,” he said. I had just started learning about the many types of salmon in the Pacific Northwest, and I was intrigued. As far as I was concerned, Europe only had generic salmon and brown trout, and this new genus spurred my interest in the diversity of these widespread species.

Salmon and trout are some of the most well-known fish worldwide. Their flesh is esteemed for its taste and consistency; it is found on menus of world-class restaurants. Salmon and trout are ... Continue reading >>>

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Text edited by Rhomylly B. Forbes